
A Story About A Dog Who Happily Played In The Fountain, Causing The Crowd To Laugh

A Story About A Dog Who Happily Played In The Fountain, Causing The Crowd To Laugh
  • PublishedMay 20, 2024

Summer begins with the joy of having a fully stocked freezer but ends in sticky unhappiness due to climate change issues. However, comfort can be found in the refreshing embrace of water, best enjoyed by a pool, beach, or even a fountain nearby. Aware of the heat, Vela decides to take a spontaneous dip in the fountain, much to the delight of viewers but to the horror of her owners.

More info: Instagram

On a hot day, the dog named Vela decided to cool down in a fountain.

A Dog Who Happily Played In The Fountain

Image credits: Ourense – Galicia

In Ourense, Spain, Anina Castilla Pelaéz went to a café that allowed dogs with her friend and Vela. What started out as a simple coffee date became Vela’s delightful adventure.

A usual dog desire, Vela ran off to explore a restricted area after spotting her unprotected leash. Knowing her pet’s routine, Anina found her quickly.

Beside the coffee shop, a charming fountain called out to Vela, her dog who adores the water. Anina ran after her and saw a jubilant crowd watching Vela’s watery joy.

The scene turned out to be touching, displaying Vela’s joy and the community’s love for her unexpected swim despite her short fear of a stray dog.

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Vela fleed due to the owner’s temporary distraction. Thankfully, the owner was aware of her adventurous dog’s exact location.

A Dog Who Happily Played In The Fountain

Image credits: Ourense – Galicia

To the crowd’s joy, Vela played in the refreshing water without a care.

A Dog Who Happily Played In The Fountain

Image credits: Ourense – Galicia

She was unwilling to leave, so Anina fell into the water to get her.

A Dog Who Happily Played

Image credits: Ourense – Galicia

Vela jumped back in as soon as Anina brought her out once.

Image credits: Ourense – Galicia

Onlookers laughed widely throughout the video, wishing they could partake in Vela’s lighthearted antics in the restricted fountain. After realizing she needed to step in, Anina tried in vain to entice her animal friend out. She waded into the water to get Vela, supported by the crowd, realizing that she had to take action immediately.

When Anina pulled Vela out of the water, she quickly dove back in because she could not resist the water’s attraction. Anina was not to be discouraged and grabbed her collar to stop her from going any further. Vela was so happy that she seemed unaware of her owner’s efforts as she enjoyed every second of the refreshing water.

After several failed efforts, Anina finally restrained Vela, putting an end to the spontaneous fountain frolic. Even though Vela had to apologize, her smile was contagious, proving the value of carefree moments of humor and mischief.

Image credits: Ourense – Galicia

Summertime brings back fond memories, but it is important to prioritize human and animal health. Dogs depend on their owners to reduce the risk of heat stroke, but people can shed layers for comfort. Being alert is essential. Avoid taking walks in the intense sun, restrict physically demanding activities, and never leave dogs alone in hot cars.

Dogs need lots of water and cool places to rest, just like people do. Owners must provide fresh water access and cooling mats. As dogs cannot express discomfort, they rely on their owners to look out for their welfare.

Self-care is essential for both because a happy dog creates a happy and good owner. Avoid physically demanding tasks in hot weather, remain hydrated, find shade, and use inventive cooling techniques. Sunscreen is also necessary to avoid ugly tan lines.

When everyone prioritizes health and comfort, we will all have a pleasant and secure summer.

Like several dogs, Vela loves water and seizes every chance to dive into it.

Image credits: aninacastilla

Vela hoped that her enjoyment would not land her in danger. Many people, both in person and virtually, were moved to grin by her. She shows us how to enjoy simple things in life, like coffee, sleep, and even a plunge in a fountain.

Click this link to view the video:

El perro feliz, en la fuente! | ESAS PEQUEÑAS-GRANDES COSAS QUE PASAN EN #Ourense La alegría de un perro con calor…en Ourense😂😂😂 Jose H. nos envía este video grabado hace unos minutos… | By Ourense – GaliciaFacebook | Facebook


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Written By
Jay Writer

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